Sunday, 9 June 2013

The Globe and other parts of London...

We popped into the British Museum to visit the African section to find it closed to the public due to a 1 day strike by staff!  Muhoro, Rose and Donna checked out the Egyptian section instead.  Kevin decided to explore the Japanese part on the fifth floor to discover that was closed too!

We crossed the river, had lunch and then set off in search of the Globe.  Here we met Alex and then took our seats.  We were sitting under cover, and as it was very warm, was great to be in the shade.  The play, Midsummer Nights Dream was fantastic!  Well acted and extremely funny.

We wandered back to our train taking in a few more sights of London including the Golden Hind.  When we got home we found Julia and Chris cooking in the kitchen - brilliant! A few more folk turned up - Suzy, Terri, Tom, Jack and Ginette, future volunteers!

Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Jalia Fund Raiser

Off we went to The Albany pub in Great Portland Street for the Jalia quiz night.  Rose and Muhoro were of course guests of honour!  Well done to Kate and the team for raising over £800!  It was a great night.

Visiting the RDA Stables

We sun was attempting to come out so we popped up to the RDA Stables.  They felt at home amoungst the horses (though they are more used to cows!) and Muhoro would have been happy to help with the mucking out.

Karate Kamp and Hatfield House

We began the Kamp with Rose & Muhoro answering the children's questions on Kenya, points were given to teams with the best questions.  One child asked if naughty children were fed to the lions!  Thankfully no!

During the day Rose and Muhoro were taken to Hatfield House for a visit by my mother and sister, Ang.  They both enjoy history particulary Elizabethan and they both know an awful lot.

They came back to Kamp to judge the colouring competition (african masks) and to award the medals to the winning team.

Dinner was cooked by Leanne's own fair hand (which was lovely) while Rob showed them the chickens.


Tea at Luton Hoo

After a stroll around St Albans taking in the Abbey, clock tower and tea with my niece, Odette, we headed to Luton Hoo in the afternoon.  There we met my mother and sister Angie.

Rose wore her 'Sunday best' and was delighted with the venue.  She chose assam tea and tucked into the dainty sandwiches, scones with clotted cream and delightful cakes.  After endless cups of tea we strolled around the garden (the rain had stopped by then!) before leaving.

In the meantime Muhoro and kevin were driven by Julia to the John Bunyan in Wheathampstead, a local, rural pub to taste an ale or two!

Thursday, 30 May 2013

Sunny Weekend

The sun shone on our weekend visit to Bournemouth!  Fish & chips, stroll along the pier, sandcastles, beach hut... ice cream.  Donna, Tim, Harrison & Evan welcomed us to their home town - Harrison thinks Rose is the Queen of Africa!

Kate, Carly & co took Rose & Muhoro to Corfe Castle for them to explore one of our many ruins and soak up the history.

On our way home we took in Salisbury Cathedral, Sarum and Stonehenge!

Friday, 24 May 2013


Back from 2 days in London.  A successful meeting with Walkabout Foundation - secured 300 wheelchairs for Muhoro's Disability project in Nanyuki.

Lunch at Covent Garden and then met up with Krista at AKA and together began to sightsee.  We included Buck House, Houses of Parliment & Big Ben.  Rose wasn't keen on getting on the wheel so we had a cup of tea at the upside down purple cow instead!  We pointed out many sights and ended up in the West End and enjoyed Jersey Boys.

Today was very wet so we toured Tower of London, lunch in Wagamamas and went to view famous paintings in the National Gallery - Rose is an art teacher by trade!  A quick trip to Harrods before going home.

Relaxing tomorrow...

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Rose & Muhoro are trying to acclimatise to our weather! They are finding it very chilly.  I explained that we were are too!  Rose is also struggling with the daylight at 9 in the evening - it is always dark by 7 in Kenya all the year round. 
Sunday was a day to relax and taking afternoon tea with the family.

Monday was a visit to Ayletts Nursery shown around by Julia followed by a quick visit to Alley Cats Hair Salon.  Apollo offered to colour Rose's hair pink!

They visited Bernards Heath School and been entertained by children singing, shown around by two year 6 students and shown classroom activities.  They chatted to 300 children at Bernards Heath School about their school in Kenya.  Later they toured Aboyne Lodge School and watched the karate lessons.

Today they have been taken to Oxford - the house is very quite! 

Tomorrow London...

Sunday, 19 May 2013

Fund Raiser

What an amazing night!  Rose cooked wonderful African food of vegetable rice, cabbage, bhajia & chapati.  Rose & Muhoro took the stage and told us all of the wonderful work they do back in Kenya.  The auction was a great success and raised plenty of money.  We had a great array of raffle prizes...

Rose & Muhoro were overwelmed by all the support from everyone who turned out and was very pleased with all the attention. Volunteers arrived to visit them from various parts of the country who had previously visted them in Kenya...

A hugh thankyou to the helpers - Julia, Gra, Geri, Angie, Carla, Tanya, Megan, Beth, Emily, Jolan, Alex, Harry, Abi, Sam, Adam, Jo's daughters and Kevin...

We rasied over £2,000 - THANK YOU to everyone!

Saturday, 18 May 2013

Rose & Muhoro have arrived!  At first they felt the cold but aclimatised to it today.  They are currently both in the kitchen making chapati's for this evening.  Rose was up early chopping carrots and peppers.  She is wearing typical attire, a Leso and barefeet!  I fear the house may burn down - its getting very smoking wth Muhoro at the pan!

We will be attending Garden Fields School fete today and setting up a stall there.  Kevin will be rnning the karate demonstration.

This evening is the FUND-RAISER!  See you there!

Thursday, 16 May 2013

Rose & Muhoro visit the UK

Rose & Muhoro are now boarding the plance in Nairobi.  They will be staying with us for 2 weeks and we have a very full itinery for them!  Firstly the fund raiser on saturday night - please come and meet them there.  Tickets available on the door at £5 each.  Entertainment, auction, raffle, food, drink....