Thursday, 23 August 2012

Day 3 - Cows to kids

Everyone was up bright and breezy this morning despite Lorraine falling out of her top bunk!  Rose had been teasing us about milking cows so Lorraine and Natasha disappeared in the direction of the cows followed closely by Alex.  Great entertainment was had by all as they proceeded to milk and proved that all are great milk maids.  Natasha is a complete natural, and Alex and Lorraine did a great job; Abi decided she didn't like cows udders as they are soft and squishy and the boys (other than Kevin who had a go) kept their distance preferring to spectate from outside the pen.

Arriving at the school we were set to work with the children, each disappeared into a classroom except Cameron who remained outside to organise a game of rounders.  Alex had all of her children drawing pictures of 'Queen Rose' as we have renamed her and the children managed to convince her to dress up in a school uniform.

Lorraine and Natasha had their group doing some colouring, Harry was teaching magic and Kevin was teaching them how not to play cards!
There was a lot of laughter coming from Abi's classroom and on investigation we discovered they all had their arms covered in wet slimy cornflour!

I was on cooking duty and admired the new cooker that we bought last year with some of the money raised.  The children had ugi mid morning and rice and cabbage for lunch.

We walked to an orphanage I hadn't been to before - this one had babies.  Some of them had been abandoned at birth and we all found this a very emotional experience.  I held a 4 month old baby in my arms who had been abandoned and found it very hard to put her in her cot especially as she began to cry and hold onto my top, I found this very hard and Alex became very upset and tearful leaving one of the babies as well.

The orphanage also has a farm and is fairly self sufficient but does need the water tank fixing as it leaks.  Harry is very keen to use money from his Mount Kenya climb fund to do this.

We then visited the orphanage I am familiar with and it was great that the children were pleased to see me a third time.  We spent a pleasant couple of hours getting to know the children.  Harry was soon weight training with the homemade weights.  A long trip home ensured everyone was tired especially Cameron as he once again fell asleep in the armchair.  It's strange because despite being very hot during the day we have an open fire in the evening.

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