Saturday, 25 August 2012

Saturday - Flintstones!

After cooking Rose and family a full English breakfast, with most of us in the kitchen - talk about too many cooks...! We all set off to the quarry.  As it is Saturday the children also work in the quarry.  We came across quite a few of the school children - Daniel, Beatrice, Rebecca, Nancy (the children start here young as Rebecca and Nancy are only 5!) and the whole family are involved.  They get paid for what they sell so it's a matter of all hands on deck.  1 tonne fetches 700 shillings (approx £6) and probably takes a week to get.  Women on their own have a hard job as they can't get to the lorries as quick; the men often buy it from them cheaper and sell it on for more, unfortunately the women don't have much of a choice but to do this.

Lorraine, Natasha and Alex all had a go at bashing the rocks.  Cameron got stuck in with actually extracting the rock from the quarry wall.  All this work is done by hand and they work all day and every day.  One old lady sitting breaking the rocks was over 70 years old!  We met a penfriend for Alex - Mary who is Nancy's sister and they had a chat as they strolled through the quarry.

After this we went to CEDC (orphanage) and on arrival we found some of them making chapatis.  Lorraine, Natasha and Abi ran a makeup session with the girls and Cameron played football.  Another raging storm arrived late afternoon - we had torrential rain which lasted a couple of minutes but the thunder remained.  Harry has texted to let us know he is still going strong and he will reach the top tomorrow morning to watch the sunrise.

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